Session Descriptions

Session Descriptions



Ana do Valle

Using Polyvagal Theory, Ms. do Valle will present a useful picture of the nervous system along with a practice approach that helps children and youth shift away from defensive coping mechanisms developed from long-term trauma. The address will set the stage for a variety of techniques presented during the day that recognize trauma and bring caregivers and youth who are shut down from anxiety, immobility and dissociation to a more restorative engagement with their world.


Breakout Session #1: Head Start Trauma Smart

Head Start Trauma Smart, a successful program of the Crittenton Children’s Center in Kansas City, Mo., was designed for work with preschool children at Head Start programs in the Kansas City area to mitigate the current and long-term effects of exposure to traumatic events. This includes exposure to violence such as child abuse, incarceration or sudden death of a parent or family member, and alcohol and drug abuse. HSTS seeks to overcome these obstacles by training Head Start personnel to integrate trauma-informed interventions into everyday classroom activities and routines.

Participants will learn how techniques promote the development of systemic trauma awareness in the entire Head Start communities, teaching resiliency and practical lifelong coping skills.


Breakout Session #1: Chaos to Chalm Healing of the Impact of Trauma
Jules Alvarado

Emotional Regulatory Healing (ERH) is a paradigm intended to help us interact with even the most severely traumatized people through a deep understanding of trauma, attachment and regulation. Based on the most recent and reliable research in the field of neurosciences and integrative healing available today, the session will focus on pre-teen and teen youth and help participants understand the complexities of behavior, the impact of trauma, and emotional regulation. Participants will learn to:

  • Integrate mind/body/spirit in trauma informed healing paradigms
  • Utilize brain-based methods that will activate the inherent, internal healing system
  • Practice emotional regulatory healing as a global, trauma informed paradigm of care.

Breakout Session #2: Sensory Processing  and Trauma: Promoting Involuntary Nervous System Regulation Among Elementary-aged Children
Ana do Valle

Focusing on ages 5-11 this session will review how body-based memory of trauma can be manifested in the sensory systems of a child and affect their behavior and overall resilience. During the practicum portion, participants will understand the relationship between sensory processing and emotional regulation. Participants will leave with therapeutic strategies to promote regulation, restoration and resilience in the nervous system.